Tuesday, September 30, 2008

School of Hard Knocks

I love Stallone movies! There, I said it! People can make fun of me as much as they want but Stallone rocks, actually he's Rocky, but "rocks" seems like a decent word to use in order to describe him. Ever since I was a kid; I didn't think I could be like him … I really, really believed that I could be him. I guess I was wrong. I'm just me. But I guess that's fine too.

Watched the Rocky Balboa (the new one) movie for the hundredth time, I never seem to get tired of it. The one cheesy line that I took away from it this time was "It ain't about how hard you get hit, it's about how hard you CAN get hit and keep moving forward."

Whether it's cauterizing your own bullet wounds with gun powder or taking away some valuable life lessons in the form of cheesy lines, there's always something you can learn from a Stallone movie. Gosh, I'm such a loser! Go Rocko!

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