Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Momma's Boy

I haven’t seen my folks in a bout a year. With all my moving around (from Cape Town to Joburg and then from Joburg back to Cape Town) and the working my butt off for Reflex, then jumping back into software development to work for someone else again; I really haven’t had the opportunity to go home and see them.

My brother, Joe’s been fortunate enough to go back home a few times for work and whenever they’ve had the opportunity to visit him here in Cape Town, I was also stuck somewhere else. My mom decided that enough was enough, and has bought the first ticket to fly down and visit this weekend.

I’ve really missed my mom, so it’ll be really good to see her. Sometimes telephone conversations are just not enough I guess. What can I say; I’m a bit of a Momma’s Boy it seems. Of course it goes without saying; I can’t wait for some decent mom-made food.

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