Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

Since the popularity of the digital camera, I’ve felt little need to have photos printed. As such I have had a massive backlog of photos, which have been piling up over the last few years. Being a computer/digital geek I’ve always defended the digital format and tried to promote the futility of printing anything …I figured if you wanted to look at a picture you might as well do it in front of the PC.

Thus, my flat has been completely bare of pictures, which has brought about much ridicule and analysis by some Psych friends, of my seemingly humanless, emotionless existence. Given recent events, I am the first to admit the error of my ways and pictures, no; memories around the home do indeed encourage a sense of comfort and homeliness. If there is one thing I have learnt in life, it is that procrastination leads to regret, so today I figured, was as good a time as any, to finally get them developed.

After filtering through the digital mess, carefully selecting the ones that I wanted, the number still tallied up to over 160. Getting all the pictures printed at once cost a small fortune and is probably not an exercise that I hope to do again anytime soon. However going through the pictures have really served as testimony to me, of the fond memories I’ve accumulated in recent times.

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