Saturday, September 27, 2008

Food for Thought

I’m eating pasta for breakfast! Apparently, this is really strange for a lot of people…I’ve been reprimanded on more than one occasion for eating strange things at strange hours.

Like the other day, I couldn’t sleep so I made bacon and eggs at 1 in the morning…Apparently that was strange too. Supposedly, I should be eating breakfast foods during breakfast, lunch stuff for lunch and dinner things for dinner…

Who came up with these rules in the first place; and who decided to categorise what we should and should not be eating at what times of the day, in any case? Whoever it is, I’d like to give them a piece of my mind…and perhaps write a sternly worded letter.

The fact of the matter is, if I wanted to eat corn flakes for dinner, or a fillet steak for breakfast, I don’t see why I shouldn’t; without people judging me all the time…. Anyways my pasta is getting cold, back to breakfast!

1 comment:

Mari said...

I looooooooove All Bran for supper!