Saturday, September 20, 2008

Live Life at the Speed of Love

I'll be the first to admit that my last post was a bit random...I just started typing for the sake of typing and found myself again "completely stunned and confused at the utter garbage" that was spewed forth. I am certainly a person who can admit to his own faults and failings; and I was completely unsatisfied with what was last written. As far as meaning is concerned the previous one failed.

To make up for it, I'm posting for the second time today (technically it's the next day as it's 3am in the morning but lets not argue over semantics shall we)...this is quite an unprecedented event, at least for me and this blog. I was only ever supposed to post one a day but I feel what I'm about to post is justified, and will hopefully redeem my previous failing.

Lauren appeared to me in dream, again - but unlike the last one. It certainly was not a nightmare. The dream was strange in the sense that it was as if I were very awake - a lucid dream if you will. In the dream I was standing around chatting to Lauren. Suddenly, I realized that I was concious and whilst having the oppurtunity, I started telling her things I've wanted to say and also began blasting off questions as to "where she was?" - "why she had to leave?" and "how on earth we were supposed to go on without her?".

She sensed my distress and in a way only Lauren Devine could pull off, she very calmy sat me down and told me that she was in a far better place. She then began giving me some encouragemnt and some much needed advice on how to get through all of this. The most profound words that stuck were that I should start to "live life at the speed of love".

Those were the exact words that Lauren's cousin, Lance, used in his eulogy to describe the way in which she lived. Lauren's mom reminded me of them the last time we spoke.

I woke up from the dream with a real sense of calm (a welcome change); and for some reason I felt obligated to write about it, immediately - as if it could help others who are also feeling distraught.

I'm not exactly certain and haven't quite figured out on how to "live life at the speed of love" yet, but I do believe that I'm certainly going to try and take Lauren's cue. If anything I think Lauren has already taught me how with her leading by example.

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