Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Black Hole

My eyes are burning and blood shot. Those of you who have the pleasure (note the hint of sarcasm there) of working in front of a computer screen all day will understand what I’m talking about. Staring at tiny text on the monitor for hours on end can’t be good for one’s eyes…perhaps that’s why I have four.

I’m pretty proud of myself though. This is the first time I’ve ever been kicked out of the office for working late…well not exactly late. Unfortunately there are some tight deadlines that need to be met, which pretty much translates, to yours truly having to spend some obscenely long hours in the office. The only problem is, only a select few have the keys to lock up the building. So, when the last person with these privileges decides to leave,it means that I have to leave too; unless of course I have a strange urge to spend the night, sleeping under the desk and fending off giant rats.

Anyways, after this hectic project is finished, I really think I need to take some time out. Even if it’s for a couple of days to try gain some perspective with all that has gone on in the past couple of weeks.

In other news, CERN has decided to carry out an experiment to simulate the creation of a black hole…hold on a second. Aren’t black holes those whirling, matterless pits that suck everything in? Perhaps it’s just me, but this sounds like one of those experiments that seem like a great idea at first; but then just end up destroying everything instead?

I know that the experts are reassuring everyone that the planet is safe from impending doom, but I’d be a lot more comforted if they had some actual proof of this and perhaps just didn’t do the experiment in the first place.

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