Monday, September 22, 2008

State of the Nation

I don't want to make too much commentary on my political views with regards to Thabo Mbeki's resignation as president
, becuase to be honset I'd probably be speaking out of ignorance...all I can say is from some mild exposure and insight into political happenings; I don't believe everything I read or hear in the news. As such, I sure would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at one of the ANC inner circle's meetings, to see the build up to this event and to see what their plans are for a post Thabo regime.

I'm quite shocked with Thabo's move, to me he has always seemed like a bit of a power monger and one of those individuals who would go down in a blaze of glory, before ever even considering relinquishing power. His stepping down as president; thus, comes as a massive shock. Perhaps he realizes that political instibilty is not good for this country, has taken an altruistic approach and decided to put an end to all the political infighting that has taken place for the betterment of the country? Perhaps he realizes there is some truth to the saying "A house devided cannot stand"?

Being the ever optimistic, an idealist; I'd like to think this is the case and that he has simply decided to do what he thinks is best for us all, instead of there being some more dubious political underpinnings. As whether or not the ANC and Thabo's decisons are actually beneficial for this country? Only time will tell.

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