Monday, September 8, 2008


3:46am…so I guess the melatonin and other sleep remedies that have been suggested to me didn’t work then. At least I feel kind of rested though, but unlike yesterday I don’t recall if I had a nightmare or not.

Xav, figured that after his sunless trip to Europe and because of the pearler of a day we had, the day before last; that it would be a great idea to unwind and forget about things by grabbing a couple of sundowners at Caprice – only problem was that, with the ever flaky Cape Town weather; all of a sudden, there was no sun. It didn’t stop us from going though, and it actually turned out to be the first great evening I’ve had in a while – the actual experience out – not the weather. That remained terrible.

There was some outrageously funny dance moves made and I got to meet some really nice new people. Fittingly, Caprice is one of La’s favourite hangouts and strangely, it felt like she was right there beside us.

I sometimes forget that these blogs are publicly viewable and sometimes treat it as my personal journal; so I get surprised when people message me or talk to me later about some pretty personal issues. I was thinking that perhaps I should tone down on these – but after some thinking and to remain true to my original intention of starting this blog; I decided to keep posting as I always have. But before you go and think that I’m going to go around and reveal my deepest darkest secrets - there are some really personal thoughts, that I don’t think I’d ever put down in writing.

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