Friday, December 12, 2008

Two Dead Feet

I regret running with the wrong shoes.

Well, I'm not sure if it's just the shoes or my terrible running style. But whatever it is, my feet are killing me and I can barely walk. While at the gym yesterday evening, Xav asked me if I wanted to go for a run at the reservoir. Figuring that it would be better than being cooped up indoors, I said yes. The only problem was that the shoes that I wore were not ideal for running.

After two laps, I could feel that my feet, knees and back were not happy. I should have stopped. But instead I continued for another two which was a very bad idea.
So bad in fact, that I've been waddling around like a penguin all day. I'm trying not to concentrate on how much my feet hurt right now, i think that the repetitive stress on my feet have caused some bruising...Arggg that'll teach me to run with the wrong shoes.

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