Tuesday, August 19, 2008

R.I.P. - David Owen

It’s with a solemn heaviness that I write about the following. It came as quite a shock to me, as I had heard from him not more than a week ago, but yesterday I received the sad news that my friend, David Owen passed away.

I’m a little fuzzy on the details of what happened, apparently he was feeling ill and suddenly collapsed. But right now that doesn’t seem important. The fact is that we’ve suffered a great loss.

I met David as I began my high school career and I’ve always remembered him to be the same. He was…no! is, a positive, outgoing, caring and loyal friend. Always willing to help out when one was in need of a good laugh. His sudden departure from this world has sparked a great emptiness amongst all of those who had the pleasure of calling him their friend. And while we mourn his passing, his memory will carry on in our hearts.

With more than 6 billion people on this earth, with the population accelerating at an exponential rate; the world seems just a little bit emptier. You will be missed my comrade, my friend, my brother. R.I.P.

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