Monday, August 11, 2008

The Art of a Good Wing-Woman

Every eligible bachelor needs a good wing-man…someone to back him up when he’s in hot pursuit of a bogey (a Panda… perhaps a bad metaphor here…hmm how about just a member of the opposite sex), however even better than having a wing-man is having a really good wing-woman.

The biggest differences between a wing-woman and a wing-man are: firstly the wing-woman rarely ever (sometimes they do surprise you) go after the same targets and take the glory; and secondly they’re camouflaged, fly under the radar… so the bogy never suspects a thing, lulled into a false sense of security and is taken completely off guard…Mwahaha sneaky, very, very sneaky!

However you can also get bad wing-women of course. I remember an evening out, where one of our girl-friends was shot down before her solo flight. After briefing her on her mission she seemed extremely eager to participate and confirmed that she was crystal clear on the objectives, however before even taking off: she hitched up with a friend of ours, and left us hanging without any support…

There’s no set formula in finding a good one, but a few good characteristics to watch out for when choosing: is reliability, consistency and the willingness to go the extra mile. Yesterday La Devine who deserves special mention, went above and beyond the call of duty when she ran out of her way across Wembley Square and did some recognisance for one of her boys. She even went with business card in hand! Now that’s some good wing-womaning!

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