Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Can You Dig It?

There hasn't been a terrible amount of excitement in my life lately, with routine being the driving force behind my day to day activities. It's not a bad thing as some times, one needs a healthy dose of continuity. However in my opinion it does become a problem when one becomes way too comfortable and begins to settle into a deep, yet comfortable, self-dug rut, and starts to forget what their goals and dreams are. So it's pretty important from time to time to do some self reflection to assess that what one is actually digging isn't ones own grave.

This morning, before I got to the gym for my daily dose of self-abuse. I had an opportunity to think about why I was actually getting up ...everyone is motivated by different things some people are motivated to by their families, others perhaps, dare I say... money. Whatever it is it's important not to lose sight of these.

I had an interesting conversation with a couple of newly made friends, Sandras and Lele at Asoka last night; where a very interesting question was raised "Considering all things possible ,what is the one thing that you would be or do?" My answer was quite outlandish and bold (and because of this I dare not reveal it yet in fear of being laughed at and being mocked), and although it seems like a pipe dream. I realized that my motivation for getting up so ridiculously early in the morning (5 am in case you were wondering), training so hard, blogging every day was all connected to my goal to getting to doing/being exactly what I want to do/be.

Continuing with the digging analogy, sometimes you dig and you'll find nothing, it becomes laborious and it sucks; but if you have a purpose, reassess and dig somewhere else from time to time; you might actually hit a gem or two.

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