Saturday, August 23, 2008

Going with the Flow

Strangely I have a lot to write about today:

Firstly Tiger Tiger, was exactly what I thought it would be like. It was kinda fun at first but it got a little bit much after a while, having a bunch of inebriated people constantly bumping into me, and having the aroma of somebody’ up-chuck lingering. I also found that the music was really disjoint which made it pretty difficult to get my groove on and “bring sexy back”.

Secondly, I just finished watching a pretty interesting film called A Man About Town, I felt that the acting, besides perhaps John Cleese’s hilarious performance, was slighty flat. The story however I found quite interesting. The movie follows Jack Giamoro, played by Ben Affleck, a high power talent agent in Hollywood, who seemingly has it all: A hot wife, cool car an amazing career; but under it all he is actually quite unhappy.

It was strange how much I could actually identify with the protagonist, I’m not sure if it was because throughout the film, on his path to self discovery he continuously writes in his journal (much like how I’m writing daily in my blog currently), how he was a fat teen, and how later in his life he felt an almost divine intuition that he was going to succeed. Success in this context is relative, as material success is not the be all and end all.

John Cleese’s character, Dr Pimpkin put it aptly as he said that ego can get you quite far - nice clothes, money etc but in the end you’ll more than likely still feel incomplete. More and more I realize that there needs to be a balance in my life. Introspectively I’m sitting at a bit of crossroads, for whatever reason in my life I feel that I need to take an aggressive stance in my career ambitions and because of this I tend to neglect other aspects of my life.

In the past year or so I’ve definitely felt like I’ve become a lot more jaded, and calloused. I’ve found that I’m certainly not as patient as I used to be and I tend to like having my way.... Going forward I feel that I need to be careful and not to let these become character flaws as they are or have certainly never been part of my character.

And lastly, lots of people have recently been asking me how I find ideas to write everyday. To be honest I’m not too sure, I guess I just write about anything that pops up in my head. Sometimes I don’t even have any clear thought, I start and see where it ends up, other times when I think I have a real plan about what I’m going to write, I start and it takes a completely different route. Ultimately I think that each entry just goes with the flow.

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