Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Miracale Substance!

Geez! I never knew how many uses there were for baking soda! But seems like Sodium Bicarbonate (the scientific formula) is a bit of a miracle substance and can do a multitude of things, from relieving sunburn, relieving indigestion, to removing melted plastic bread wrapper from toaster…

How I came across all these uses, was due to the fact that the leather straps on both my watches were getting unbearably…smelly. Trying a number of things to get rid of the smell, all of which failed. I decided to turn to my good ol trusty friend Google to see if there was a solution.

And what it suggested was for me to use a solution of baking soda and water…Awesome! Ummm now all I need is some baking soda and hopefully no more smelly watch straps!

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