Monday, October 20, 2008

Bad Hair Day

I don't usually take very long to get my hair ready in the morning, it's usually a very simple process. All I do is get some hair wax, rub it into my hair and that's it, usually a 30 second affair. Not this morning though, I'm not sure what it was, maybe it's more humid than usual - I dunno - whatever it was I couldn't get my hair to do anything, let alone look neat. I spent close to 15 minutes trying to look respectable for work and tried to get the one side of my hair to not stick the end, I gave in and ended up going to work looking like a bad Japanese Manga character...have you ever seen Dragon Ball Z...nuff said.

Perhaps I need to get my hair cut ...nah, too much effort, I think I'll just try to convince people that big hair is in and that's the look I'm actually going for.

I got some death stares again yesterday evening, I tried to introduce Action Dan to some new people and they immediately rolled their eyes when I said he was a stunt man. I'm tired of people looking at me like I'm a compulsive liar (I wouldn't mind so much if I actually were lying, but I'm not) this especially happens when I introduce him or Paul to new people - I'm beginning to believe that it's easier to tell people that they're serial killers than stunt men...for some reason people will believe me then. Is being a stunt man really that difficult to comprehend?

While I'm on a role and attempting to squash misconceptions about myself: contrary to popular belief I am not Hiro Nakamura from Heroes . And yes, I was hassled about this again last night as well. Man alive! This joke is seriously getting old. It really, really can get irritating. Every time this happens it makes me want to vomit all over the perpetrator. Fortunately for the person hassling me last night, the fact that she was a "she" and that she was really attractive, made it mildly bearable, so luckily for her there was no need for me to waste dinner....

Just to clear things up, though: I know I'm Asian, I know I wear glasses and I know apparently we all look alike. But let's break it down as to why it is impossible for me to be Hiro. Firstly, Hiro is Japanese - I'm Taiwanese; secondly Hiro has cool super powers and can travel through time - although I'd like to believe that eating 3 pizzas in one sitting is a cool super power - it really isn't; and lastly, he is, and I'd like to emphasise this point, a fictional character - I on the other hand am a real boy.

One cool thing that happened last night was that two people, Amy (affectionately known to me as Panacotta Girl, because she introduced me to the most amazing dessert at Col Cachio and thus changing my life forever) and Lauren (PE girls aren't dodgy, they're actually super cool) provided me with some encouragement to continue writing and forget about my would-be deterers. Encouragement is always appreciated and makes this crazy, personal, literary adventure of mine all worth it.

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