Sunday, February 15, 2009

Short Days and Quick Responses

I find that I’ve been fighting the old battle: there are just not enough hours in the day.

It’s natural that as one accumulates more interests and activities that this should happen, but in my mind I figure that I can still do it all. It’s impossible, but still I try, the only problem is that I start neglecting other necessary activities…such as sleep. Well, at least I slept in this morning, after a fun night out going to DJ Sasha’s show.

On an aside, I’m really impressed with Microsoft. I’ve recently been playing around with some new technologies in the form of MVC.NET and Dynamic Data Websites and have been struggling to get them to play nicely in a deployment environment, as a result I logged a query on a forum.

Since what I’m trying to do is quite new, I’ve had no replies from the developer community, however Microsoft have been extremely responsive and have put their development team on it, in hopes to resolve my issues.

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