Saturday, February 21, 2009

Afternoon Power Napping

A well timed afternoon power nap is the key to feeling revitalized if one feels tired and hits a brick wall. It’s a bit of a fine art though.

If you sleep for too long, you wake up groggy and disorientated and feel worse than not taking the nap. If you sleep for too little, well then you’ve just slept too little and there’s just really no point. You have to get the duration just right. There is supposedly some scientific evidence regarding states of sleep that back my theory, but for the mere reason that I don’t really know the details - I’ll spare the explanation.

My general rule of thumb is setting my alarm for 30 minutes, it seems to do the trick. I feel well rested, full of pep and am able to carry on for hours on end. Had a little power nap a bit earlier and am now feeling great – true story.

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