Friday, February 20, 2009

Head or Heart?

What type of a person are you a head person? Or a heart person? A head person is rational and is someone who makes calculations, weighing up the practical implications of all situations and then making the most logical choices. A head person never takes risks and is conservative in their approach. While a heart person operates on feelings, impulses, gut instinct; and well, can sometimes be irrational. They have a far greater risk threshold.

For the longest period of time I’ve fancied myself as a bit of a head person, but after much searching I believe that I’ve been lying to myself. I’m actually a heart person trying to be a head person. I try to use my head, think things through and it tells me to be as rational as possible, but there is always a second voice, one that is in actual fact: louder, telling me not to think too much, just do; the heart.

With simpler things the head can often win the jury. But when things become more complicated, with less tangible facts, then the heart wins; only, there is already much backing and forthing between head and heart that by the time the decision is made, it seems mistimed and leads to more complications and confusion.

In a lot of ways I wish I could be more just one or the other; either not taking any risks at all, or taking them without flinching and moving on quickly when it turns belly up. However, I tend to fall victim to my own self conflict. I am aware of this and need a way to somehow override one or the other...

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