Saturday, February 7, 2009


It’s the first day without internet and like a crack addict in search of a glass pipe; I fluster about in the streets, hopeful, that it will somehow miraculously materialize before me.

“One web request that’s all I need?!” I cry out desperately.

From the signs and the advertisements I see around: the internet is everywhere. I see the words “Free Internet”, “Wifi available”, “Get connected” sprawled across storefronts and brochures at every turn, and I have a reassurance that everything is going to be okay. I feel assured that I’ll find a place where I can tap in and get my fix, so to speak.

Imagine waking up to a world without the internet.

Getting connected is no longer a luxury, while it may have been the case, not more than some 10 years ago, these days it’s an absolute necessity. Without it, businesses would be dead in the water, students would be unable to get hold of information for research and blog junkies such as myself would be unable to connect to make a post.

“A world without the internet?” I can’t remember such a place, and I hope that I never find out what it was like again.

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