Monday, January 19, 2009

Leave Days

I find that my energy levels are at an all time low at the moment. A few months ago I was struggling with Insomnia. Well the irony is that, at the moment, I'm suffering from the complete opposite; I'm struggling to keep my eyes open.

It certainly can't be because I'm not fueling my body correctly, I'm feeding it all sorts of good complex carbohydrates and in the correct ratios too; and it can't be because I'm not getting enough sleep either, I'm getting more sleep than I usually do. Not even adding caffeine to my system seems to be giving me the kick that I need. I think my previous state of insomnia has finally caught up with me and my body has decided to give me the proverbial finger. "Screw you buddy, I need some rest" it's saying.

I've been feeling pretty lethargic for a bout a week now, and I've even noticed its detrimental affect on my writing. I fear that the lack of energy has dulled down my wit somewhat and I can't seem to find the right words to articulate my thoughts. It took me at least a few good minutes to mull that word "articulate" over in my head before it emerged, where as in the past it would have come to me as naturally as the light breaks the dawn.

Perhaps I’m experiencing some type of burn out? Impossible, I just had a holiday. Or maybe it’s just a sign that I need another one. Speaking of holidays, there is a host of consecutive holidays coming up in April.

When one works a desk job, one really needs to strategise ones leave. Some people will throw their leave days away frivolously by using them up without planning ahead, while the smarter ones will try to utilize public holidays in order to maximize the actual time that one gets off. In April there are several combinations that one could choose from, but if one is very clever one can take four days leave and get a return of twelve actual days off.

Don’t say I’ve never given you any good advice...

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