Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In 3D

3D animated films sure have come a long way, especially when you get nifty 3D glasses to enhance the experience. Bolt literally blew my mind, and with most of it (my mind that is) on the cinema floor it was difficult to comprehend at the time exactly what I had just witnessed.

Now, only afterward, am I able to fully understand the extent at which the 3D artists must have gone to create the intricacy of the textures, complexity of the movements and the detail of the models. The attention to detail was phenomenal.

Having done a 3D modelling and texturing course in university myself, I can understand the hard work that has gone into delivering this cinematic masterpiece. Kristi, an animator, was astounded with the film and even suggested that we stay for the next showing and watch it again.

But the imagery was not the only draw card. I always feel that since such effort is put into the animation, the writers also make damn sure that they have a solid story as well as character development to back up it up.

The story revolves around a dog named Bolt, who is raised on the set of a hit TV series and grows up believing that he has super powers. When he accidentally leaves the set, he befriends two unlikely friends in the form of a cat named Mittens and a hamster named Rhino. Thus begins a journey to find his way home, where he soon realizes that he has lived his entire life a lie.

Being a big fan of the animated films, I would highly recommend seeing it, particularly I would suggest that one see it at a theatre which offers it in 3D. The 3D glasses, I might add, are pretty stylish and I reckon I may keep them and use them as a fashion accessory…


Darryn van der Walt said...

cool! now you can walk around outside and everything will be in 3d too! wait. no. nevermind.

narrylikes said...

i left my stylish 3D glasses in the car and a friend assumed that it was stylish "blues brothers" sunglasses and put it on.

"ohhh this is weird..." i heard, coming from the backseat.

i felt bad breaking the news to him.