Friday, January 2, 2009

Ghost Town

While strolling down the road yesterday evening, there wasn’t a single car in the road.
Stores were closed, the streets were quiet, there were no murmurings of activities or signs of life. It resembled a scene from 28 Days Later, the Zombie movie where the worlds population ceased to exist.

It was eerie as hell and it didn’t help that the odd bergie (beggar), was drunk and stumbled around looking very undead-like. There were moments where I felt really spooked and wanted to run, in fear one of them was going to lunge at me and pick my brains for his dinner…

So my imagination has gotten the best of me again, but you get the picture. Cape Town was quiet yesterday, almost too quiet. But I suppose it’s just a sign that the party the night before for New Years Eve was a really good one.

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