Wednesday, January 7, 2009


There's a principle in software development that we generally like to follow called KISS. Which stands for "Keep It Simple Stupid".
I should definitely follow it more conscientiously as I tend to be a sucker for punishment and over complicate things.

Take today for example, I thought I was being really clever by over-architecting what should otherwise have been a very simple web application. In the end, the architecture became so verbose that it made performing even the simplest of tasks, massively challenging. After much frustration, I uncluttered the complexity and resorted to a more simple design (what I should have done in the first place).

The KISS principle is fantastic and one should implement it in all facets of life. For example why don't we apply it in the dating game? For some unknown reason, guys and girls just tend to over complicate everything. Too much backing and forthing, umming and ahhing, feels like a super strategical chess game. Seriously. It should be as easy as: boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl likes boy back and then BAM. Simple as that. Lets just KISS and make out in future shall we.

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