Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy New Year!...Again

Going to work sick with a hole in the hand must be one of the most uncomfortable things that one could possibly do. But I did it, because that’s the type of guy I am: A team player. It would have probably been beneficial for my health should I have stayed at home, but “No-Sir-Ree”, I couldn’t afford to let another day go by without being productive.

I never realized how much I used my left hand, until stabbing myself with a knife of course. Even though I’m right handed, I find myself using the left a considerable amount; I found my pain threshold being tested by using it over zealously, forgetting that I had injured it.

I grow weary of being sick and can’t wait to be back to full health, so I can get back into my normal daily routine…

By the way it’s Chinese New Year. The year of the Ox I’m told. To be honest I wouldn’t have known at all, if it weren’t for the excited phone call I received from my Parents last night.

“Xin Nian Kuai Le!” I heard from the other end of the receiver (That’s Happy New Year in mandarin in case you’re wondering).
“Oh really?!!” Was my shocked response.
“Well in that case Xin Nian Kuai Le! Back” I hollered.

I never know quite exactly when Chinese New Year is, as it follows the Lunar Calendar and is never on the same day. Strange though, I should, as Chinese New Year is more celebrated in the land of my heritage than any other event.

People in Taiwan work ridiculously hard throughout the year, they don’t take breaks, not even for Christmas. Most people don’t like holidays, in fact the Taiwanese work ethic used to be so extreme that the government eventually made it a law that all citizens had to take at least one day off week a week; as they found people were working themselves to premature deaths.

Come Chinese New Year, everyone is off and they usually celebrate for about a week. People go mad, they run around in the streets letting off fireworks, eating strange food and present each other with red envelops (called Hong Bow) filled with money.

I guess here in Africa, thousand of miles away from home; a lot of the meaning and crazy customs have been lost. But I’m still vigilant in trying to get a week off next year, based on my being oriental. Looks like the work ethic bit has escaped me as well…

1 comment:

narrylikes said...

Xin Nian Kuai Le! Gong Xi! Gong Xi!

Learned that yesterday.

Hopefully the (2nd) New Year will only bring good luck and health.

Strong like an Ox :P