Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crowd Control

Ended up at the Alba Lounge in the Water Front for my friend Carl’s birthday yesterday evening. I went straight there after the L’Ormarins Queens Plate and felt kind of awkward, because I was quite dressed up. Thankfully, the jazz festival was on, so passers-by must have just reckoned that I was part of the act.

It was super, super crowded though and made getting in and out of the parking lots a complete nightmare. I hate getting stuck in traffic, it’s my pet peeve. What’s even worse though is that you always get those people who get antsy, begin to hoot and go mad. I must confess I’m also guilty of this sometimes, but it’s not like all the ranting and raving helps. Instead, I usually try to put on some soothing music, like Enya or something to keep my nerves calm and just try to enjoy the ride.

Speaking of crowds the day at the track was packed. As suspected, old Pocket Power delivered and is well on his way to become a massive figure in horse racing history. It was a crazy party and everyone who is anyone was there.

It’s weird, I don’t really do well in crowds, I get this sense of claustrophobia and sometimes freak out, My friends Ale, Desi and Talita knew one of the owners in the suites, so whenever we felt like taking refuge and escaping the crowds; we would go and chill out with them.

It was quite funny though, as some of the owners thought that my brother and I might have been jockeys. I suppose given our stature – us being extremely short and all, their assumption was not completely far fetched. Besides not knowing how to ride a horse, perhaps I’ve found my new calling in life…hmmm Benny – Race Horse Jockey…has quite a cachet don’t you think?

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