Friday, July 25, 2008

GWB! The Phenomenon Strikes Again

What would comedians do if we didn't have good ol' Geoge W. In his latest statement President Bush provided an insightful thought into his views with regards to the US housing market, saying that he believes that "Wall Street got drunk."

Oh my word! WHAT AN AMAZINGLY ACCURATE ANALOGY! I suppose having GWB (George W case you were wondering) comment on the economy is like me commenting on my thoughts with regards to open-heart surgery: Un-informative, inappropriate and completely misguided.

You'd think after a couple of terms in the Oval Office that he'd be better at his job...but as time goes by and with his term coming to a close, the chances seem less and less likely. My biggest concern however is, who on earth, will comedians the world over, have to pick on once he's done.

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