Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wild, Bearded Man of Borneo

Temporary, blindness and migraines gone; I made sure that I set my alarm today. Both of them, the clock on my bedside pedestal and my cell phone as a back up...I was not going to be late like I was yesterday. So with both alarms blaring, giving me the fright of my life, I might add, I was up and off to the gym. The one thing I love about going to the Virgin Active in Wembley Square is that afterwards, if you're feeling sorry for yourself for sadistically, inflicting pain upon your body; you can still reward it with a good ol’ Vida coffee… It makes all the pain worth it. Well, almost.

The bright side (not that the sun is up at 5am) of getting up really early is that you have a lot more time to get ready for work. I figured after 2 weeks of neglect, it was time to haul out my trusty Philishave, electric razor and get rid of my beard. To my dismay the shaver was nowhere to be found, and I guess from the absence of its use, I seem to have misplaced it. I guess fate had decided for me…the bearded look was going to be in.

Now I’ve never grown a beard before, so sporting my new look I reckoned the facial hair would get a lot of attention…but no-one even noticed! I had supper with my good friend Natalie at Rick’s Café, for a catch up session, since I had not seen her in a while. And yet there was no mention of my beard, none at all, although she does also think she’s a squirrel so perhaps her opinion doesn’t count!

Okay, okay so I can’t really grow a proper beard, in fact if I leave it for too long all that happens is that I get a pretty mangy looking, patch-work of whiskers. I remember a few weeks before the filming of Tunnel Rats, they asked me to try grow a beard. But when I arrived on set the make up ladies took one look at me, saw how erratically my facial hair had grown and made me shave it off immediately.

I’m still not sure when Tunnel Rats is going to be released, unfortunately there seems to be some controversy with regards to the director, Uwe Boll's other recent releases and this has caused distributors to keep their distance away from it. However I do know it was shown at the film market section of Cannes Film Festivals, and I have heard that it has gotten some rave reviews. Fingers crossed, I really hope that the film gets a major release; the actors were brilliant and with their raw emotion, really portrayed the Vietnam War and the characters involved realistically, methinks.

Paul and I have decided that no matter what happens with the distributor debacle, we're somehow going to get a hold of it, and hold our very own South African, red carpet premiere at the Labia Theatre! Lets hope by then I would have found my shaver and will be looking neat, cleanly shaven and sharp.

1 comment:

Benny Ou said...

Uwe on Postal and Tunnel Rats: