Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Technology Wins Again!

Thought I'd try something a little bit different today, and blog first before I go to work.
As I blog I'm sitting without my mobile phone! I feel naked! And I feel whole life is on that phone. It's my window to the outside world, all my contacts...I even depend on it to get up in the mornings. How I'm up right now even typing this blog is a wonder.

Mobile phones have to be one of the most widely used and depended on inventions of the last 15 years. I can't remember what life was like without it. Casual hook ups had to be arranged in advance, with a particular meeting place in mind. These days, one can just whip out their handy phones and call or text the person. "How on earth did we used to get by without it?!"

Katrina is my new hero, I have no idea how she survived her last week, in a foreign country without a means of communication, having her phone stolen off her in Long Street, and done with a "cool as a cucumber" poise. Mucho respect! And here I am freaking out and it's only been a one evening.

Anyways I'm hoping that I left it at Xavier's...soon, I hope to come up with an invention so awesome, that someone else will blog about it; and wonder "How on earth did we used to get by without it?!" Mark my words it's going to happen, I'm not exactly sure what it is yet but watch this space...

By the way it's Gourmet Restaurant Week here in Cape Town. Basically a host of restaurants participate in a week long gourmet extravaganza, of gastronomic proportion. Each restaurant puts on a set menu to show case their establishment, for a fraction of the price. Now, that's my kind of festival, although I'm a little disappointed with the line up this year. Last year they had 3 of my top 5 restaurants participating and this year, none. However the line up is still pretty good, so if anyone is interested in going to any of the restaurants give me a call...Oh snap! you can't I don't have a phone...


Darryn van der Walt said...

aw, and he had only just turned 1 years old (that was the one you got when i was down there, hey?)

Benny Ou said...

Haha good memeory Darryn!