Monday, May 19, 2008

No Pain No Gain

I can’t even begin to explain how much my body hurts right now, from this mornings gym session; not to mention, also, how much my head hurts from all the stuff I learnt at work. Not only am I trying to learn five different business domains on the projects I’m working on but I also have to learn five different technologies.

As the saying goes “Pain is weakness leaving the body”…If that statement holds true, then by the end of all of this; I should, not only be the strongest man alive but also the smartest! Oddly enough, all this pain feels kinda good…it feels as if I’ve actually achieved something…

Waking up at 5am reminded me of the first day that the Garden’s Virgin Active opened. Back then, I was far more disciplined and waking up early was really easy…as I recall the grand opening of the gym was supposed to have happened at 4am that morning, I was determined to be the first person there!

I set my alarm for 3:45am, which would have given me 15 minutes to get there…more than enough time. The alarm went off; but on that fateful day I had to hit the snooze button! “Curses” I lost seven minutes. As I got ready, I thought maybe, just maybe I’d get there in time for the opening of the doors. 4:03am I got there I was too late; the doors were open bur two other freaks had beat me!

Darn, I was mad with myself! “How could I hit the snooze…stupid, stupid, stupid” I thought to myself. My hopes and dreams, dashed; just because I hit the snooze, I was devastated.

For all that hard effort you’d think that one would be handsomely rewarded, but all I received for getting there so early (third place), was a lousy water bottle, which I managed to lose on the same day in any case. I also got half a smoothie from Kauai Smoothie bar -at least the smoothie was good!

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