Thursday, May 29, 2008

Livin' La Vida Loca

Another morning and another Vida ! I’m a crazy fan of the Vida brand, and love how it has flourished and grown organically, as the marketing fundis might say. Since the very first Vida cappuccino I had, from the Kloof Street branch, a few years back; I haven’t been able to get enough of them. I think I’m addicted to their baked confectioneries, sandwiches and in particular their coffees. Perhaps someone can prove me wrong but I think their stuff is laced with crack!

A lot of Vida’s success amounts to the passion the people, associated with the brand exude. The staff are highly effective, happily friendly and well trained, and because of this: top notch products and service are produced each and every time. I always feel more, lively when an energetic staff member greets me with a “Howzit Bubba! What can I get you?” And perhaps it’s the combination of the energy from the staff and caffeine fix that gets me buzzing for the rest of the day.

Martin Luther King might have had a dream, but I have a loyalty card…so maybe he’s dream may trump my loyalty card but I think the deal you get is still pretty damn dreamy: Basically the deal with the card is you get 10% off of whatever you spend, straight back to the card every time you swipe it…In the beginning I had no clue how the thing worked, but I signed up and swiped it, each time anyways. I figured I went so often that, at some stage, it was bound to pay off. Eventually one day one of the guys cracked, and asked me why I hadn’t used my loyalty card yet, since I must have accumulated a heck of a lot of Vida credits!

Life for a while, after that fateful day was sweet! And I had a free Vida coffee everyday for close to a month. I’ve been swiping my card without using my credits for a while again so as soon as I build up enough credits! I’ll be Livin’ La Vida Loca! Baby!

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