Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday at Long Freak-in' Last

Thank goodness it's Friday! And just in time too, any longer and I think my eyes would have burnt out of my head. As it stands I've clocked over 60 hours in front of a computer monitor this week and my retinas are seriously taking strain! It's been a while since I've actually sat and coded in a pure development role...

I wrote up an awesome blog earlier, no seriously, I did; about how busy I was going to be this weekend after such a long and hard week, and how that's how I roll and "I'll sleep when I'm dead" but just as I hit the "Publish" button to send my blog off, my stupid 3G Connection died on me...MAN! COMPUTERS CAN FRUSTRATE ME, ARGGGGG!
Good thing I chose a career in IT.

Anyways since I've spent way too much time in front of the PC already, I'll try remember exactly what I blogged about, in said, lost post; and add it to my rantings tomorrow. But for now, I'm off to Asoka for yet another farewell.

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