Sunday, March 1, 2009


It’s strange how some relationships forge. Sometimes you just meet people that you instantly gravitate towards, while other times you spend a life time fighting to form anything that remotely, resembles a relationship.

Recently in friendship I’ve made this instant connection a few times, and I’m rather sad that it is one of these peoples last day here in Cape Town. Desi is going back to Milano today.

I met Alejandro, one day randomly, while at the gym in my block and we started chatting. The next time I saw him; he was with his amore, Desi, downstairs in the courtyard. After only those encounters they invited me out with them.

Nine times out of ten, I probably would have shrugged the offer off, but for some reason I liked them and I felt that I should take them up on it. Three months have passed and the memories that we have shared together have been unforgettable. It’s strange, in quite a short period, it feels as if I have known them my entire life.

Even with some of my other best friends, I knew within seconds of meeting them that they would play a significant part of my life.

In the romance department, I’m still uncertain. I’ve heard people talk about their love at first sight, bolt of lightning, sudden butterflies in the stomach experiences; but in my twenty six years of living, I have felt this less than a handful of times. For it to be relevant though, the feeling needs to be mutual from both parties; and sadly since I seem to be quite unhitched, I guess it means that I have yet to experience it in its entirety.

The probability of me feeling this instant connection with someone again and then have that feeling be reciprocated seems highly improbable; but if it could happen in friendship than why not romance? The hopeless romantic in me remains confident that it could still happen.

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