Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sleepless in Cape Town

I had one of those nights last night where, you know you’re tired and you just want to go to bed, but for some reason you just can’t fall asleep because Mister Sandman missed the beat. It’s was probably because of my over-active imagination again and probably because I had way to much stuff going on in my head…

So what better to do than to put on some really chilled tunes; and relax to the sound of some soothing melodies by the king of chill himself Jack Johnson? I whipped on his new appropriately named “Sleep through the Static” album and as I began to listen, all my thoughts seemed to disappear as I floated into a deep slumber.

I initially bought the CD, to help keep me occupied on one of my long solo road trips…Although come to think of it, it probably wasn’t a good idea…because in hindsight the album is pretty mellow and it could have caused me to fall asleep at the wheel, perhaps causing me to swerve off the road, colliding into a group of dairy-bearing cows, thus causing an even greater shortage of dairy in an already under-supplied market, and thereby propelling the dairy prices upwards in an astronomical fashion…it’s a bit of far stretch, but it could have happened! (Now you know what keeps me up late at night)

As much as I enjoy the CD though, I must be honest and say, compared to his others, this is probably my least favourite. Maybe it’s got something to do with the fact that I was expecting too much …but to me it loses some of it’s Jack Johnson feel because this album seems a little bit over-produced and the songs seem a little bit repetitive. However with that said, in good ol’ Jack style, he still delivers a pretty solid, all round, easy listening album…

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