Thursday, June 26, 2008

Garlic Boy

The Microsoft talk last night was great, courtesy of the folks from SA Developer! I learnt a lot about the new MVC.NET model and while it is still in its infancy it was quite a thrill to pick the brain of Brad Abrams, the guy managing the development of it, on Microsoft's direction and progress to compete with other such MVC frameworks such as Ruby on Rails. MVC by the by, just in case you're interested stands for Model View Controller, which is a "new" way of abstracting presentation from business functionality in development...still confused???...don't worry so am I, I just pretend to understand, smile and nod!

I even had the opportunity of potentially (potentially had they actually needed it) saving the evening by bringing my network hub...Ernst phoned me at the last minute in a panic saying that the talk might not be able to continue without a network hub. Thankfully I had one handy from back in the day when I was PE's Quake 3 Champ...Man I think I'm revealing way to much of my geeky side here...have to stop writing about all this tech stuff cos it's seriously ruining my street cred! I thought perhaps if I saved the day I could maybe have gotten a commendatory phone call from old Bill Gates himself...:"Hello - O yes, hey Bill -Was totally my no, I couldn't accept a million dollar reward - what you insist? - O well I suppose I can't look a gift horse in the mouth". What?... It could have totally happened.

Hmmm someone remind me never to eat garlic laced stuff for lunch again...I made this great garlic chicken bake type thing for lunch today, which was really amazing! But to the detriment to my colleagues though, I was getting some pretty evil stares from the guys sitting near me. Reminds me of this one time how the night before, since I figured I wasn't going to be seeing anyone after, laced my pizza with garlic. The next morning however, the garlic was still in my system and when I was at gym, about to start rowing; I noticed this really attractive girl on one of the machines...but as I approached, about 2 meters away. She stopped dead in her tracks, turned around to look at me and rhetorically asked "Good grief! Do you smell that? Is that garlic coming from you?"

I was so flabbergasted I didn't know what to do...except to just occupy the machine next to hers and start rowing anyway! For quite a while after that incident, Lloyd, my friend the personal trainer teased me and called me "Garlic Boy". The teasing continued for at least 3 months. I'm pretty certain that, although the guys at work haven't said it to my face yet; whenever I leave the room they'll be like "Ahh there goes Garlic Boy" amongst themselves.

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