Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Don't Be Alarmed

I find that every once in a while you need to change the tone of your morning alarm, becuase you get so used to it that you begin to sleep right through it. I've become more and more accustomed to mine and find it exceedingly difficult to wake up.

I decided I would change my alarm tone, the trick is that you can't have something too loud or too abrupt otherwise you'll wake up with a heart attack, but it needs to be vibey enough so that it has enough of an impact to get you out of bed. I now have a cool Brazilian song, with a delightful songstress, singing Com Você (that means "with you" so I'm told) to help me up.

Owing to the new tone, I was able to make an early gym session. It's been a while since I've been able to haul myself up, early enough, to get one of those in. I had an epiphany while I was at gym; and thought that it would be great for tonight's blog I also remembered that it would have been cool to have a Moleskine notebook to write down my idea so I wouldn't forget what it was. No prizes for guessing that I didn't have a Moleskine with me at the time and that I've also subsequently forgotten the epiphany... oh well, will scribe it if I remember.

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