Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Petty Squabbling

Soooooo I was in the unfortunate position of getting tangled in the middle of a tussle between two of my neighbours. Man, it was awkward. For some reason they felt the need to knock on my door and bring some of their petty squabbling to my door step.

The fight was over some smells that were apparently emitting from the people who live next door to me and which were wafting into the apartment above them. Trivial right? Shouldn’t be too serious right? Well the argument seemed pretty heated and they felt that a third party needed to mediate. That’s where I fit into the picture. Yay, lucky me.

As you can imagine I seriously, seriously didn’t care. I had more important things to deal with - like playing with the lint stuck in my belly button…which is as you can imagine not very important at all. Kind of puts the argument into perspective doesn’t it?

”Ok now, children, go to your corners and think about what you did!” Yip, I laid a serious timeout on them.


Darryn van der Walt said...

You live in a creche?

Benny Ou said...

Sometimes I do believe so, yes.