Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I hate making difficult decisions. The mere fact that a choice needs to be made means that there will be some opportunity cost foregone…I learnt that from a text book in Economics 101.

Well, I had a difficult decision to make for tomorrow. There are two important appointments that I need to attend; however they overlap and it will be a near impossible feat to go to both as they are on opposite sides of the city. I needed to make a choice. Both engagements are equally as important and neither of them fun, but not attending either is inexcusable.

To be honest I was trying to put it off and ignore it, but it played on my mind at work the whole day. Eventually I reached a decision; I’ve decided which to go to, if I could I would lend myself to both but unfortunately I can only be at one.

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